Traveling Light

February 12th, 2015


Less is more. ~Mies Van Der Rohe

I consider myself a seasoned traveler, yet I still experience a subtle sense of dread and overwhelm when it comes to packing. Surely I should have this down to a science by now but even with the packing lists I’ve created, I worry about the balance between taking too much and not having enough. Since I’d be traveling overseas, I chose a small red suitcase that met all requirements for carry-on luggage thus eliminating the potential for lost bags. What to put into this small bag eluded me. One well-meaning friend suggested I lay out everything I planned to pack then eliminate half of my stuff. Nice idea but not really helpful. What I notice about packing is it reminds me of my desire to walk lightly and unencumbered through the world, yet it also triggers my fear I’ll forget something critical and not have what I need. The classic Boy Scout motto to “be prepared,” is deadly when trying to pack lightly.

Recently, a conversation among friends centered on the topic of letting go. As the discussion evolved, two insights stuck with me. First, letting go of things that are no longer useful or bog me down can free up space in my life for something new, particularly emotional space. Secondly, if I’m too hasty with purging I may inadvertently discard something that’s meaningful to me. It’s worth being thoughtful about what I hold onto and what I release. This cut to the chase of my packing dilemma – I wanted to take the essential things I needed for traveling but not be weighted down with the extras, my “just-in-case” items.

For me, packing is a ritual in preparing myself for a new experience and is an important part of the journey. In an effort to pack lightly, I don’t want to leave behind something significant, like my sketch journal, just to save some space or because it’s awkward to pack. On the other hand, the second pair of hiking shoes could stay at home. Packing also gives me time to consider the non-tangible things I’d like to take with me. For this particular trip I wanted to pack a sense of adventure, an open mind, and a heavy dose of trust that all would be well, which left little room for my desire to manage, control, or prepare for every possible circumstance I might encounter. So in the spirit of Mies Van Der Rohe’s quote, when it comes to traveling lightly, less truly is more.

Questions:  What are you being invited to let go of today?  What are the essentials in your life’s journey?

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